Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July- in the garden

We're still in the learning phase of gardening. Raccoons have been enjoying our corn. And the lettuces, red beets, peas and broccoli were all sampled before Rodney was able to put in the fence. We've also had some vine plants die, though we haven't seen evidence of vine bors or a fungus. We're rather perplexed. Rodney recently put in a second planting. We shall see if we have more success.

All that said, our tomatoes are thriving and we've enjoyed a plentiful harvest of zucchini, cucumbers, basil and some peas and radishes. Our remaining squash and melons are turning and it looks like we will be eating lots of pumpkin pancakes again this fall and winter!

Last weekend we canned 6 quarts of diced tomatoes and 7 pints of salsa. We quickly went through a bag of tortilla chips! We also canned 9 cups of raspberry ham:) yum!

And as usual, our girls love being in the dirt!

1 comment:

M & M said...

What a massive and gorgeous garden--and what an undertaking! Even if Rodney is doing it...