Monday, June 22, 2009

Abigail and the man cave (and other things...)

The man cave: Rodney's special place where he can tinker and work on his dream project - the CJ8 Jeep. Us girls venture into the man cave seldomly, but who knows, someday it might be a special place where daddy and daughter can bond.

I love this picture - she doesn't quite know what to think of the Jeep, probably because she was sitting on the front:) Don't you love the bright green diaper, Illinois bib and red shirt? Priceless.

Other news - Abigail is fussy. I think it might be because she's right at the awkward stage where she can do so much more now but not as much as she would like. I spend a lot of time "helping" her - giving her toys, teaching her to roll over, talking to her, holding her, letting her stand...etc. I think she might actually be going through another growth spurt, based on how she's been eating as of late...but sometimes I think I can feel a little tooth about to pop through too. Ah - the things I talk about now that I am a mom...

Book I recommend for moms - Praying the Scriptures for your Children, by Jodie Berndt. The chapters are super short, which makes a really easy book to fit into a mom's schedule. I find that when I pray for Abigail, I discover that I am really praying first for myself. The power of the Word of God truly pierces through bone and marrow. This last chapter that I just finished reading was Praying for your Child's Marriage. I found myself realizing that I have grown lax praying for my own marriage and my own character. The author brought me to Proverbs 31, and it was good to reflect on the woman that the Lord desires me to be.

Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.She brings him good and not harm, all the days of her life....She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks....She opens her hands to the poor and and extends her hands to the needy....She is clothed with strength and dignity....She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.....Her children arise and call her blessed, and her husband also....Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

May these words dwell in me richly...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have Prov 31 engraved on my wedding band! Love it!

How are you liking cloth?