Abigail was in a bit of a funk this past week, and I think it might have been because of her vaccinations (on Tuesday and Thursday). She was super fussy after each batch and refused to take naps in her crib, though she is still sleeping great at night. The initial pain of letting her cry in her first month of life has paid off. She doesn't cry now when we lay her down at night. She was going 6.5 hours between feedings at night, so I was averaging between 6 and 8 total hours of sleep a night. She reverted back to her normal routine last night, though, so we'll see!
She's currently been really fussy today - eating well - but really fussy. I think she might be going through another growth spurt (maybe???). It's hard to tell still. Some of this first time mom stuff is a bit of a trial and error sort of thing. Right now she's fussing in her crib, settling down for a nap. She fusses for about 10 seconds and is quiet. I think she'll settle herself soon:)
She's starting to smile a lot more now, which is marvelous:) You can tell that her little mind is processing more and more each day. I can't believe that she's already 9 weeks old!