Wednesday, June 1, 2011

2 cm

Yes, I am 35 weeks and 2 cm dilated. My pregnancy has been easy up until Sunday evening, so the little person is getting ready to enter a much larger world! Thankfully, we made it through Rodney's two weeks of world travels without any exciting trips to the doctor. We have two more nights to stay out of labor and delivery this week (since he is gone again) and a night in a couple weeks. But all in all, we're ready to meet you, little baby!

Will you pray that our little one will come with little fanfare? My doctor is in agreement that a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) is possible, but he won't let me go after my due date. He even mentioned today that if at 39 weeks, nothing has changed, he may even give me a small dose of pitocin to see if it jump starts a natural labor. This is a departure from his medical practice's position on no induced VBACs. All that said: the doctor needs wisdom and I need patience on the Lord's perfect timing and will, even if that means another c-section.

And would you also pray that I have energy and strength. I have been exhausted and chasing my independent two year old is rather wearisome, especially since she has been fighting naptime and bedtime. (Big Sigh...). Any advice? I do enjoy taking her to the pool. The cool water helps me forget my swelling feet, wakes me up, and makes me feel rather weightless, which is GREAT at this stage in my pregnancy:)

I have been challenged of late by a book I finished last week One Thousand Gifts. I am often weary of the mundane, and ingratitude swiftly creeps in to steal my joy. It's been a huge challenge to look for beauty and gifts in the everyday mundane. I am currently fighting for joy! One huge gift right now - my "read through the Bible in a year" has landed me in the middle of Psalms, a place where I have and will find great encouragement in the final weeks before our baby arrives. Thank you, Lord, for your daily strength and encouragent. Your mercies are truly new every morning. Great is your faithfulness.


Megan said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! That's so great!!!! I love you, friend.

I will be praying for all the above.

Love you. Love you. Love you.

Unknown said...

Praying hard that all works out for the VBAC! I assume you know about more natural ways to help kick start labor. I hear that n.s. is particularly effective if you are already dilating and effacing.

Love you, friend! Hang in there these last few weeks. Can't wait to hear all about your little one and see your cute little family grow. :)