Friday, February 5, 2010

blessed sunshine :)

We have had an abnormally cool and wet week here in Houston. No matter. The sun is out today, and it lifts my spirits. So I bundled up my snotty nosed child and took her for a walk this afternoon. We can actually do that in Houston:)

Miss Abigail has been sick since about Wednesday. She had a hard night (aka -- hard for mommy too) but seems to be feeling a bit better. But she's working on two teeth right now, so there's a constant stream of snot and saliva coming out of her mouth. She's quite the sorry sight to behold, especially since she often has a big goofy grin on her face. She is unfazed by her coughing, sneezing, running nose and mouth -- that is until it's time for a nap. Thankfully, after several mommy trips into her nursery, she finally settled down to sleep.

So I'm thankful that this sunshine keeps my spirits lifted. And now I'll get back to one of my most favorite chores (meal planning). Save the best for last! (I cleaned bathrooms, dusted and picked up this the dreaded tasks are out of the way!)

Meal Plan for the next couple of days --
Chicken and Black Bean enchilada casserole
Goat cheese salads with cranberries and pecans
MIL Meatloaf, baked potatoes...and steamed broccoli (Abigail's favorite!)

I'm off to a good start!

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