Friday, April 24, 2015

Pajama Day

Sometimes it just feels good to stay in your pajamas all day. Two weeks ago, the girls all had yucky runny noses and coughs, so we all stayed home from church. Even though the rain was coming, the temperature was lovely, and the girls enjoyed the fresh air after being inside all morning and afternoon.

Toddlers are just so cute! And she was sporting her "new" shoes that I picked up for a quarter at a garage sale the day before :) 

It's hard to believe that this girl wasn't walking last Summer/Fall. She's finally gotten used to her walkin' legs and really enjoys being outside, as I'm sure you can tell from these pictures.

...this girl has a beautiful head of hair. It's quite the magical hair, actually, because even after it's been smeared with all kinds of food, snot, etc., it almost never looks greasy or dirty! And it's finally tuckable behind the ears, and she'll even let me put it in a pony tail or pull it back out of her face with a clip. My baby is getting to be such a big girl.

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