Tuesday, September 29, 2015

End of Summer impromptu Portraits

And Miss Abigail is a pleasure to teach. She loves to read, spending hours a day with her nose in a book. She is gaining confidence with pen and paper, and one of my personal goals for her this year is to grow as a creative writer.

I'm glad I have this picture. Miss Hannah decided to give herself a hair make-over, so she looks quite different now. This will make a good "before" picture for  our viewing pleasure for many years to come.

This girl had marker on her face, but didn't want to be left out of the fun. Miss T loves to be held. She enjoys drawing, on paper, the table and herself. She  is quite a cute little sister tag along. And we are all thankful that her vocabulary is growing by the day.

This girl is almost one, and I haven't kept up with her monthly photography. So here she is at the beginning of month 11.

She is eating everything - both on her plate and on the floor. She is becoming very expressive and enjoys a new "fake laugh", which is rather endearing and cute. She waves "hi" and "bye". And she still doesn't have any teeth.

She is a busy girl, and is happy as long as she's on the go. I was trying to pose her for the pictures, and she was ready to be on to her next adventure.

Happy Birthday Grandma A!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

my girls at Maranatha

It's hard to believe that these pictures were only taken a month ago. With the start of school and all of our Fall routines, these family moments feel like distant memories.

When I finally set out to get a picture of all of my girls, they were tired and I picked too sunny of a spot. Oh well.

But the picture is befitting of each girl's unique and very special personality.

And my baby gets two pictures because she's the baby, right?! I don't need another reason. She is only weeks away from her first birthday, and I know soon she'll be toddling and growing out of those cheeks.