I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today (yes, very grumpy), but the Lord has been gracious to me today, answering my prayers by giving my joy and strength. I have been rushing around most of the day, preparing to see my in-laws, but I wanted to sit down and write a quick update.
Abigail has been clingy (no not cuddly...clingy). She wants to be held but does not want to cuddle and sit quietly. This leaves me carting her around and keeping her occupied throughout the day. I do love my new carrier which helps but am not a fan of my sling...alas, sometimes, I cannot have both. I think she's been clingy because of new teeth. Tooth #5 popped through today. I think #6-8 are working on popping through too.
She is still not walking, nor does she like to have any help whatsoever and quickly catches on to our "tricks" to try and help her walk. We even tried bubbles a couple days ago, but our dear sweet daughter already understands the concept of gravity and was content to sit down and watch them fall. [NOTE: Comparatively, Rodney and I had a lot more fun blowing bubbles. We played: Who can blow the biggest bubble? Who can blow the most bubbles? etc. There was much fun had by both of us, I mean "three" of us.]
She is, however, learning how to communicate and is a pro at several signs - please, thank you, all done, milk, yes (nods head) and she waves hi and bye bye. I need to learn some more signs so that we can work on communicating instead of whining:)
Her signs and smiles win the hearts of strangers that we meet on walks or on errands. Yesterday, I looked up to see someone waving at us while I was getting Abigail out of the car at Walgreens. Sure enough, my Miss Social Butterfly saw the stranger in the car next to us and wanted to say hello. Today, the ladies at the grocery store gave her a free pack of cookies for being so cute (being a ham -- smiling, waving, signing, pretending to be shy...).
So thats my quick update. Tune in to see pictures from our trip to the ocean. Rest assured; there will be many.
Abigail has been clingy (no not cuddly...clingy). She wants to be held but does not want to cuddle and sit quietly. This leaves me carting her around and keeping her occupied throughout the day. I do love my new carrier which helps but am not a fan of my sling...alas, sometimes, I cannot have both. I think she's been clingy because of new teeth. Tooth #5 popped through today. I think #6-8 are working on popping through too.
She is still not walking, nor does she like to have any help whatsoever and quickly catches on to our "tricks" to try and help her walk. We even tried bubbles a couple days ago, but our dear sweet daughter already understands the concept of gravity and was content to sit down and watch them fall. [NOTE: Comparatively, Rodney and I had a lot more fun blowing bubbles. We played: Who can blow the biggest bubble? Who can blow the most bubbles? etc. There was much fun had by both of us, I mean "three" of us.]
She is, however, learning how to communicate and is a pro at several signs - please, thank you, all done, milk, yes (nods head) and she waves hi and bye bye. I need to learn some more signs so that we can work on communicating instead of whining:)
Her signs and smiles win the hearts of strangers that we meet on walks or on errands. Yesterday, I looked up to see someone waving at us while I was getting Abigail out of the car at Walgreens. Sure enough, my Miss Social Butterfly saw the stranger in the car next to us and wanted to say hello. Today, the ladies at the grocery store gave her a free pack of cookies for being so cute (being a ham -- smiling, waving, signing, pretending to be shy...).
So thats my quick update. Tune in to see pictures from our trip to the ocean. Rest assured; there will be many.